Recognised by Sport England as the Governing Body for Pool in England |
The following counties make up the EPA Region 4. You can click on a county name to go directly to their own information page:
The regional committee includes representatives from all of the member counties, and the following officers:
Note: Byes are not displayed.
Men's A, Men's B, Ladies, Under 18's, Over 50's, Under 23's | ||
13th Apr 2025 | ||
Cambridgeshire | Vs | Norfolk |
Bedfordshire | Vs | Essex |
Suffolk | Vs | Hertfordshire |
11th May 2025 | ||
Essex | Vs | Cambridgeshire |
Hertfordshire | Vs | Bedfordshire |
Norfolk | Vs | Suffolk |
8th Jun 2025 | ||
Cambridgeshire | Vs | Bedfordshire |
Suffolk | Vs | Essex |
Norfolk | Vs | Hertfordshire |
6th Jul 2025 | ||
Hertfordshire | Vs | Cambridgeshire |
Suffolk | Vs | Bedfordshire |
Norfolk | Vs | Essex |
14th Sep 2025 | ||
Cambridgeshire | Vs | Suffolk |
Bedfordshire | Vs | Norfolk |
Essex | Vs | Hertfordshire |
12th Oct 2025 | ||
Norfolk | Vs | Cambridgeshire |
Essex | Vs | Bedfordshire |
Hertfordshire | Vs | Suffolk |
9th Nov 2025 | ||
Cambridgeshire | Vs | Essex |
Bedfordshire | Vs | Hertfordshire |
Suffolk | Vs | Norfolk |
14th Dec 2025 | ||
Bedfordshire | Vs | Cambridgeshire |
Essex | Vs | Suffolk |
Hertfordshire | Vs | Norfolk |
EPA Region 4 covers geographically a vast area from the relatively small Hertfordshire bordering on North London and Bedfordshire in the West to the much larger, more agricultural counties of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex in the East. Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire might be small in size but both have played hosts to some the nation's greatest historical events whilst also playing it's part in some of it's darkest moments too.
Region 4 also plays home to the vast open spaces of Essex where Constable did a lot of the painting that still commands the World's interest.
Norfolk can lay claim to being the home town of one of the nation's number one heroes in Nelson, We also have the farming heartland of the south of England in Suffolk where Cardinal Thomas Wolsey set the seal on England becoming a protestant nation with his refusal to grant Henry VIII a divorce.
We Also have one of the world's oldest seats of learning in the shape of the many colleges of Cambridge University.
Our region has had many of our nation's most historic events enacted within our Counties.
EPA Region Four has been blessed with some of the world's most famous and influential people calling one of our Counties their home.
Now let's get down to Pool. It is our job to attend to all matters relating to pool in our region and to relay the thoughts and feelings of our members to the National body. From the players side of the fence, we administer the Region Four Inter County Championships. An event where our six counties, Men's A and B, Ladies, Under 23, Junior & Senior teams hope to become the Region Four champions of their section. The prize for achieving this, apart from the honour of course, is to be our representatives in the National Intercounty finals each year.
Our playing season usually starts in February and matches are usually played on the second Sunday of each month, we do have a summer break in August owing to the general heat in the region during the height of summer, you can check who is playing whom and where they are playing them with the fixture list As the season progresses, you can check the results and tables pages for the current season as well as our ranking lists for the Men, Ladies & Youth Intercounty players of our Region through the EPA website.