Recognised by Sport England as the Governing Body for Pool in England |
This page is designed to help EPA officials with guidance on how to carry out typical procedures on the EPA Database.
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The EPA database is crucial to the efficient running of the association and is available to any members who have login credentials.
These credentials can be given, amended, and taken away by users who already have a login with their own appropriate level of access. Levels of access vary depending on the requirements of the Association at that level and generally fall into county, regional and global access as required.
Access to the login page for the database is available in the Admin main side menu list of this website and is also available by clicking here.
On reaching the login page, there are some useful notes which you should take time to read and understand, and there are 3 items that you must complete to complete the login process:
The main landing page for county officials will look something like this and there are 5 main groups of links to other pages. This is the main hub page for all database activities and can always be reached by clicking the link 'Database Index Page' at the top of the screen.
The main sections are:
Note that near the top of the page, there is the option to 'Turn Help on'. This option is available on several pages across the database, sometimes near the top of the page and other times near the bottom. When clicked, it will reveal some useful tips for the current page.
The main county members information list will show the people listed on the database for the selected county in alphabetical order by Surname. It is possible for county officials to see this list for all counties, although it is not usually possible to see the editing and transfer options for counties other than your own, unless you have regional or global access permissions.
The key options on this page are:
Be sure to read the section 'UPG Registrations' on this page.
On this page we can add a new person to a county. Please be sure to check that the person does not already exist on the county records in the unregistered section before adding them here. We do not want duplicate entries on the database.
To register a person to the database for this year, set the option in the field '[Current Year] Registration' to 'Y' and Submit. Provided all their required etails are in place, this will set their registration date and the region will invoice the county for the required fee in quarters each year.
The mandatory data that is required to complete a registration are:
The use of the online registration form (available here) makes filling in this form much easier, because the details are sanitised and cleaned before they arrive in your inbox as an Email, and they can be copy/pasetd into the fields here.
All other fields are optional, but there are entries for all of them on the registration form, both paper and online. It is a good idea to fill in as much information as possible about all players to help you manage the members of your county pool association efficiently.
Note the section at the bottom where login details can be added for an existing member for access to the database.
Click the 'Submit' button to save the data. There are 2 of these buttons on the page, one near the top and one near the bottom.
After saving the record, and if you have a photo for the person, you can re-open their record from the Person List and add their photo from the section underneath their personal details:
Important points regarding the photos:
Here, we will describe the changes that will come about on our side when the Ultimate Pool app agreement comes into place in 2025.
There are only two real changes on the user interface of the database for personal records of county EPA members.
What this means is, a person is not registered until all required elements for the registration are complete.
For county officials – in the past when you filled in the required fields and submitted a photo, the player was then registered. Under the new arrangements, submitting their registration on our database will send them a link by Email which they can click to complete their registration on the Ultimate Pool side. Only when this is done will the data come back to the EPA database and the personal regsitration will be completed automatically.
If you are concerned that a player is not fully registered to play say Intercounty pool and you have done everything on your side to complete the process, then you will need to chase them to complete the process on the Ultimate Pool side. The most likely reasons will be that they have not clicked the link in the Email that was sent to them by the database to follow the process through on the UPG side, or they have submitted an incorrect Email address.
There is a new drop down here on the personal details page that must be set to either Yes or No:
Setting this to Yes or No does not stop the registration process with UPG from happening. The only difference it makes is the data that is shared. If No is selected, then only the minimum data required to complete the registration is shared (EPA membership number, name, date of birth, registered county), and if Yes, then additional data is also shared to make the process easier to complete (EPA membership number, name, address, phone number, Email address, date of birth, registered county). Furthre details can be found in Byelaw 6 - Membership Registration Guidance.
Additionally, there is a new checkbox here which you can tick and then submit the data to re-send the link 'just-in-case' they haven't received it, but this automatically happens when you submit their registration anyway even if the checkbox is not checked, so we stress, this checkbox is a 'just-in-case' option for resending if needed, maybe because the person claims they never received it (check their Email address is correct, help them to check their spam folder, and so on …):
Finally, the Email box for the person is now mandatory where it wasn't before. It has to be so that the Ultimate Pool registration link can be sent to them.
Please think about people in your county who maybe are not confident enough to perform these tasks on an IT device. Please help them, do it with them, suggest they ask a firend or family member to help out, find a way …
This page lists the officers that are included in the management and running of the county pool association and can also include team captains or other non-officer significant people within the organisation.
Additionally, it contains a list of the local leagues that are affiliated to the county and some other county-central information near the bottom.
People in the main list can only be selected form personal records that are already on the database for the county, so if you need to add a brand new officer or captain, you must first add them to the database (see the section 'Add New Person').
In the first column of the main list, we see 'Change Officer' and 'Edit [Name]'. The first option is for setting up the person as an official and the second option simply take you to the personal record of that person as described in the section 'Add New Person'.
Below the first section, there is a list of database access permission codes that we can see next to the person in the main table in the column 'Authority'. The county officials can decide for themselves which access codes to give to other members of this group. Note the key difference between codes p and q is the word 'edit' in the description.
IMPORTANT – if your county wishes to receive online player registrations via the form on the website, then there must be an officer title attached to the county that begins with 'Registration'. It does not matter after this if it is 'Registration Secretary', 'Registrations Officer' or any other text after 'Registration', but it cannot start with any other text, so something like 'Acting Registrations Officer' will not work, but ' Registrations Officer (Acting)' will work fine.
The online registration form is automatically NOT available to counties who do not have this officer setup on their system.
Additionally, the Registrations Officer must also have an 'Officer Email' specified (see below). If this is not also set then the registration form will not work for the county.
Similarly, if your county wishes to directly receive 'Contact Us' messages via the EPA website (click here), then there must be a 'Secretary' appointed.
For both of the above, please take great care with spellings as mistakes will stop these features from working.
The Secretary must also have an 'Officer Email' specified (see below). If this is not also set then any 'Contact Us' messages sent to the county will go to the Regional Director.
To set the Officer (and their official Email address), click on the 'Change Officer' link:
On the left here you can select a person to be appointed to the position, and their personal Email address that is on their data record will be added, but this Email address will not be made public. Only the Email address in the 'Officer Email' field will be made public and this is the address that MUST be filled in order for the player registration form and the contact us form to work directly with the county. The reason for this is that it allows (if you wish) for a different Email address to be used to protect the person's personal address.
You can also set here the database access permission codes as required for this person, up to an not exceeding the codes that you have yourself. Note also the comments on the page regarding the 'Officer Category' and apply.
It is possible to have people listed on the database who are not registered as current members. This is very useful sometimes for adding local league people as league managers who have not registered and do not play Intercounty or Interleague pool. Just add them as an individual to the county but do not register them so that you are not charged by the region for their affiliation.
A really good sanity check on your own county is to check this list. If there is no 'Officer Email' specified in the column on the left here for the Registration... then the online registratin form will not work for your county. Similarly with the Secretary for the main website contact us form: