EPA-Logo-New-Full-Colour Recognised by Sport England as the Governing Body for Pool in England Sport-England-Badge

Champion of Champions

About the Champion of Champions Event

The Champion of Champions event is usually played in the November of each year and aims to find the top Men's Singles Player, the top Ladies Singles Player and the top Local League Team from all of the local pool leagues in the country.

Unlike some other EPA events, this is a non-cardholder event, meaning that it is not necessary to hold a current EPA membership card to be eligible to take part.

The event is open to the winners and runners up from each league that is affiliated to a county in England in each of the three categories of team, men's and ladies. The decision on how to select the candidates lies with the local leagues but they must be able to demonstrate to the entry scrutineers that their places in the event are valid.

It is common for leagues to run two leagues a year as a winter and a summer league. They do this because it means that each year they can send the winners and runners up from both leagues to the main event national finals. While the ladies and men's events are usually very clearly defined, the decision making process for the teams can be taken from the final league table or the league cup results, but however a league decides to do this, there are only two places available per league per year.

The team event is played in matches of 14 frames in two sets of 7, which means that each team needs to have at least 7 players.

Entry into the event is made via the EPA website and comes at a single moderate fee that covers the entry into all of the three events, although it is only mandatory to enter a team. Entries need to be made by the end of June each year for the finals the following November and the link to the online entry form will be available during the time running up to the end of June and can be found near the bottom of the main homepage here in the Comp Entry Forms section.

The Regions

In order to make management of our Pool playing nation easier we have split the country into different geographical areas, called Regions. From 2011, the playing Regions were numbered one through to eight.

Counties-MapIt is the Region's job to administer all aspects of EPA Pool within their boundaries and to ensure that the wishes of their members are carried out.

There is a model regional constitution in the EPA Byelaws in which suggests that the Regional committees shall consist of three elected officers, Regional Director, Regional Treasurer and a Regional National Delegate plus delegates sent by the member County associations plus an EPRA delegate selected by the Region's referees.

To find out the exact contents of your Region's constitution, please contact your Regional Director or your county pool association.

Part of the administration duties for the Regions is to organise the Inter League matches within their Region and various individual competitions.

The regional committees send two of their members, one of which is the Regional Director, to national meetings to form, along with the executive officers, the National Committee.


The counties in England are divided into the regions as shown below.

Counties 'greyed out' do not currently have an active county pool association within the EPA.

Where indicated with the link icon, you can click on a county to navigate through to their local website.

Region 1 Region 2
  • Cleveland
  • Durham
  • East Yorkshire
  • North Yorkshire
  • Northumberland
  • Tyne & Wear
Region 3 Region 4
Region 5 Region 6
  • Buckinghamshire
  • Gloucestershire
  • Northamptonshire
  • Oxfordshire
  • Warwickshire
  • Wiltshire  
Region 7 Region 8
  • Derbyshire
  • Humberside
  • Leicestershire
  • Lincolnshire
  • Nottinghamshire
  • South Yorkshire

The Counties

The Counties listed here are the member counties that constitute the membership of the English Pool Association.

These Counties are the voting members of our association and it is from these Counties that virtually all the policies adopted by this association stem from.

If your County is not on this list, your county will have no part to play in the future shape of Pool in England. It is the aim of our Association to have every single county represented at our Annual General Meetings.

If you, as a player, find it hard to believe that your County is not a member of the sports governing body we ask you to do all you can to make your County officials aware of your desire to be part of the decision making process, not left out in the cold. We are not a profit making organisation, we are here to run Pool for you.

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